You have a charming personality and you have a quick thinking capability. You can sense trouble well in advance compared to others. You keep yourself abreast of all information.
As per your chart, you would excel and do well in your career in your homeland and you have good chances of foreign travel, which could be for leisure and pleasure trips.
Keep all your hard work and efforts in the desired direction with sincerity and you would get duly rewarded in the near future as the ongoing time is quite conducive for you till mid 2023.
Best wishes.
Vrischika lagna with the lagna lord Mars posited in the tenth house conjunct Venus; Saturn posited in the lagna; Tenth lord sun posited in the eleventh house conjunct Mercury; Moon posited in the fifth house being the lord of ninth house; Moon Maha Dasha and Antar Dasha is ongoing currently till mid 2023.