As per your chart, there could be minor delay in conception, which could be due to excessive body heat, hormonal disturbances or any other reason. You are blessed with the happiness of progeny.
The upcoming time starting from May 2023 onwards is conducive and favourable to you for conception and this favourable period lasts till Aug 2025.
In case required, you may like to take professional medical as well along with a Nutritionist to maintain a conducive diet.
Best Wishes.
Leo ascendant with the ascendant lord Sun posited in exaltation in the ninth house; Fifth lord Jupiter retrograde and posited in the second house; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 26 in the natal chart and 29 in the Divisional Chart 7 (Saptamsha); Jupiter major period ongoing and Moon sub period starts from May 2023 and Mars sub period starts from Aug 2024 till Aug 2025.