You have a soft, charming and tender personality. You value relationships and you take good care of your surroundings.
The prospects of having children require the charts of both the parents. As per your chart, you will have children and the possibility of having children does exist after Oct 2024. The delay could be due to some hormonal disturbances. You may like to have medical advice also regarding this.
You need to keep your body cool and avoid heat causing spicy foods. It is advisable to practice meditation and yoga on a regular basis to improve the chances of earlier conception.
Best Wishes.
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Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury posited in the third house conjunct Venus; Fifth lord Saturn posited in the fifth house; Mars Maha Dasha ongoing and Mercury Antar Dasha starts in Oct 2024; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 28.