You have a hard working attitude with sincere approach which will always help you in the long run in every aspect of your life, including higher studies and profession. You are courageous and speak with conviction and force.
You will excel quite nicely in your homeland for all the achievements in your life. The current ongoing time is favourable to you for achieving objectives of your life including your marriage and this time spans up to Nov 2024.
You can channelise your energies and focus, in such a way that you can make the best use of the positive time coming ahead.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna lagna with the lagna lord Mercury exalted in the fourth house conjunct Rahu; Venus and Mars posited in the lagna; Moon posited in the fifth house; Seventh lord Jupiter retrograde and posited in the seventh house; Saturn Maha Dasha is ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha till Nov 2024.