You have a steadfast approach to acquire things and you are a hard working individual and you put your sincere and honest efforts.
The current time is not so conducive for you to get a government job and a favourable time starts from Sep 2023 which will last till May 2026. You could also get into a job in public sector which has a greater government control which would be an alternate option for you.
You need to commit yourself to the needs of the moment and remain focussed on your goals without getting distracted by the routine chores.
Best Wishes.
Vrishabha Lagna with the Lagna lord exalted and retrograde Venus posited in the eleventh house conjunct Sun; Tenth lord Saturn posited in the tenth house cojunct Mercury; Ketu posited in the Lagna; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha starting in Sep 2023.