You have dual personality, one that is known only to you and the other which the world knows about.
The current time is positive and conducive for you till end 2023 and you can expect things to move in a positive direction. If the situation doesn't get sorted out by then, the next conducive time starts for you from Jan 2024 onwards, when you can expect normalcy.
Keep your emotions under control and maintain diplomatic communication with all concerned, gradually things would become normal.
Best Wishes.
Makara Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn posited in the twelfth house; Sixth lord retrograde Mercury, Moon, Venus and Sun posited in the Lagna; Ashtakavarga score of sixth house is 31; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Sun Antar Dasha till mid 2023; Moon Antar Dasha starts thereafter and Saturn(Lagna Lord) Pratyantar Dasha starts from Jan 2024.