You could have a subtle aggression with volatile thinking which you would generally try and relook in hindsight. Your will have good focus on your professional life, to which you may also add your personal life.
The current period is volatile and the time starting from May 2024 is positive and conducive to get in to new marital alliance and thereafter things would start changing over gradually and you could see things moving in your favour gradually.
Before getting in to a relationship again, spend some time with the probable future life partner to get ascertained on the stability aspects. You would have a happy married life in times ahead with conjugal happiness.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha Lagna with the Lagna lord Saturn retrograde and exalted in the ninth house; Seventh lord Sun exalted and posited in conjunction with retrograde Mercury in the third house; Venus exalted in the second house; Jupiter posited in the eleventh house aspecting the seventh house; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing and Mars Antar Dasha starts from May 2024.