You have a pretty soft and composed personality and you tend to keep your relations and surroundings always in jovial and happy state.
The upcoming time from Jan 2024 onwards is favourable to you as per your chart for you to be able to conceive. You may also may take professional advice on the diet regimen from a Nutritionist, which you should be following. These are bound to give positive results.
You need to keep your body cool, avoid any kind of spicy food to help you conceive faster. You are blessed from a progeny perspective.
Best Wishes.
Gemini ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the eighth house; Fifth lord Venus posited in the tenth house in exaltation; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the fifth house; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 30; Moon major period with North Node (Rahu) sub period ongoing currently and Jupiter sub period starts from Jan 2024.