As per your chart, the current time is favourable to you and it will remain so for two more years, thus the possibility of you getting pregnant and having children does exist in the near future. There is no delay in your having children as per your chart.
You need to avoid spicy food which can cause hormonal disturbances, keep your body cool. You can practice meditation and yoga to relieve any existing stressful conditions.
You may also may take professional advice on the diet regimen from a nutritionist, which you should be following along with analysis of the chart of your partner.
Best Wishes.
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Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the eighth house conjunct Venus and Moon; Fifth lord Jupiter posited in the seventh house conjunct Sun and Mercury; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 39; Saturn Maha Dasha with Venus Antar Dasha ongoing.