You would have an agile mind which would never be at rest and it could be the cause for some issues like stress, fatigue tec.
As per your chart, there could be some delay in you conceiving your child and it would be advisable to take professional medical advise along with the advice of a professional nutritionist. The birth chart analysis of your partner could give further insights.
As per your chart, you have a conducive and favourable time ongoing currently for you to conceive and you may take all the precaution and professional advice for a fruitful outcome.
Best Wishes.
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Meena Lagna with the Lagna lord and the tenth lord Jupiter posited in the eleventh house in debilitation; Venus posited in the Lagna in exaltation; Fifth lord Moon posited in the twelfth house; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing and Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 25.