You always are energetic and have good enthusiasm and energy to take up any task. Your chart shows, you are also quite good at taking calculated risks which is an essential pre-requisite for success in any opportunity.
The current time ongoing till Dec 2022 is favourable to you with respect to your career and profession. Thereafter the time starting from March 2023 till May 2023 is again favourable for securing a job, thereafter again the time starting from July 2023 till Nov 2023 is good for you to get a job.
As per the indications in your chart, you need to be careful of losing interest in your job once you secure it. You need to reach out to all possible options and your network and you would do well in the times ahead.
Best Wishes.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the Lagna in conjunction with retrograde Saturn; Tenth lord Mars posited in the twelfth house; Jupiter conjunct Ketu posited in the tenth house; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 32; Moon Maha Dasha ongoing with Rahu Antar Dasha and Jupiter PD running currently, and Mercury PD from Mar 2023 till May 2023 and then Venus, Sun and Moon PDs up to Nov 2023.