As per your chart you have an inclination to achieve spiritual progress. Your thinking is generally different from those around you.
The path to moksha as per your chart is much tougher as you would be having too much attachment to worldly desires, relationships and everything around you. The renunciation would be quite difficulty for you but not impossible.
You need to take the path of service to humanity and continue endlessly without desiring anything in return and you will set yourself on the right path.
Best Wishes.
Kumbha lagna with the lagna lord retrograde Saturn posited in the tenth house; Jupiter conjunct Moon in the third house; retrograde Saturn posited in the twelfth house in Meena in Vimshamsha; Mars is exalted in the tenth house in Vimshamsha; Ashtakavarga score of twelfth house is 27 in natal chart and 30 for the twelfth house of Vimshamsha.