You have a charming and a beautiful personality with sharp features. You have a unique style of thinking which is generally different from those around you.
You are quite likely to have a love a marriage as compared to that of an arranged marriage and you will have the final say in selecting your future husband.
You are likely to get married between Nov 2022 to June 2023 or thereafter from Oct 2023 to May 2024.
Your future husband would be a tall and handsome person with slim and athletic built.
Best Wishes.
Makar lagna with lagna lord Saturn posited in the lagna conjunct Sun and Rahu; Seventh lord Moon is posited in the eighth house; Venus and Moon have full aspect on each other and are Samasaptak;
Retrograde Jupiter is exalted in the seventh house conjunct Ketu. Venus and Jupiter transits in Karka and Meena in 2023 and 2024.