You have a sharp mind and a unique style of thinking and perception, which could cause some delays in your relationship matters. You have a soft heart and you analyse everything thread-bare before making a final decision, which could bring in some delays.
You may have to change some of the attributes to match with others so that you can get in to relationship and get married. The current ongoing time is quite conducive for your marriage till the end of the year 2026.
You have a good life ahead and you just need to take some measures to make it even better.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord retrograde Mercury exalted and posited in the Lagna; Seventh lord Jupiter posited in the second house in conjunction with Venus; Seventh lord Jupiter posited in its own Dhanu Navamsha conjunct Moon, Saturn and Rahu; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing and span up to 2026.