As per your chart, you have an energetic personality with good zeal and enthusiasm to take on life and its many aspects.
The current running time, which has just started, is quite conducive and positive for you to tie the nuptial knot and this time spans for the next two years till 2026, thus you need to put in efforts to finalise a partner, as even if the time is positive without efforts one does not get results.
You could come to know about your life partner and you can get married during in this span. You have a good conjugal and blissful life ahead.
Best Wishes.
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Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury retrograde and posited in the tenth house conjunct Sun; Seventh lord retrograde Jupiter posited in the second house conjunct Rahu; Moon Maha Dasha ongoing with Jupiter Antar Dasha till 2026.