You are an individual who would be in control of the situation around you generally. You get disturbed too quickly and you settle down as well pretty fast, overall you are a loveable person.
The current ongoing time is favourable to you for your marriage and this time spans up to the end of the year 2023.
Astrology can analyse and find the compatibility with your partner and find the level of matching between both of you by analysing both the charts, however it cannot analyse and find whether you will get in to relationship or marry with a particular person.
As per your chart, There are no indications of any change of relationships with your partner.
Best Wishes.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon debilitated and posited in the fifth house in conjunction with seventh lord Saturn; Saturn posited in the lagna in Navamsha in Kumbha; Ashtakavarga score of seventh house is 31 and that of seventh house of Navamsha is 28; Venus Maha Dasha and Venus Antar Dasha is ongoing currently till the end of 2023.