You are a sincere, disciplined and hard working individual, who takes life on a daily basis with a straight forward approach. You could overlook some critical aspects which may prove counter productive for you.
The current ongoing time is positive and favourable to you till the end of 2023 and things would turn out in your favour with some efforts from your side and you could expect re-engagement in your professional career.
Avoid projecting conflicting views in routine communication, as this could hamper your progress.
Best Wishes.
Karka Lagna with the Lagna lord Moon posited in the sixth house; Saturn conjunct a debilitated tenth lord Mars posited in the Lagna; Jupiter conjunct Venus and Ketu posited in the tenth house; Mars Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha, followed by Sun and Moon Antar Dashas till the end of 2023.