You have a sincere and honest approach to everything in life. You have an inclination to get into minute details of most of the things. You would think a lot before taking any action.
As per your chart, the current ongoing time is quite conducive and positive for you with respect to your career and this positive time would span till 2024.
If you put in your best efforts in all possible ways, you are sure to get into a profession as per your qualifications and skillsets. You will have a good and satisfying career.
Best Wishes.
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Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the Lagna in conjunction with Rahu; Tenth lord Venus posited in the twelfth house conjunct eleventh lord Mercury and debilitated Mars; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 36; Jupiter Maha Dasha with Mercury Antar Dasha ongoing currently.