You have a sincere and hard working attitude. You would generally succeed quite nicely in your professional life.
You could have an opportunity in a foreign country as per your chart. An opportune time for you to work abroad starts from March-2025. You need to align yourself and prepare and work hard towards getting a job in a foreign country.
You need to expand and get into a professional network to get through higher education and further related opportunities and have other requisite skills such as language proficiency etc. You have good time ahead to prepare and propel yourself into a different orbit.
Best Wishes.
Tula lagna with the lagna lord retrograde Venus posited in the lagna in conjunction with Moon, Mercury and Sun; Jupiter is exalted in the tenth house; Benefic retrograde Saturn posited in the ninth house; Mars posited in the twelfth house; Saturn Maha Dasha is ongoing and Venus Antar Dasha starts in March 2025 and spans till 2028.