You are a staright forward person and you do not like to mince your words to communicate. Despite having good skills and capabilities, at times you could be under-confident, which you should overcome.
The current time which just started in Dec 2021 is generally, pretty good time of your life as per your chart and this time will last for quite long for couple of decades, thus you can expect positive outcomes of your actions in the times to come in 2022 and 2023.
Keep up your efforts of looking for a better job and you could get one pretty soon. You will lead a successful and contended life with a good professional career.
Best Wishes.
Karka lagna with the lagna lord Moon posited in the ninth house in conjunction with an exalted Venus; Lord of tenth house Mars posited in the lagna with debilitation and Neecha Bhanga Yog.
Venus Maha Dasha started in Dec 2021 and will last till 2041; Venus Antar Dasha spans up to March 2025; Ashtakavarga scores of the tenth house of both natal chart and that of Dashamsha is 31.