As per your chart, there are good chances that you could conceive and get this happy news of being a proud mother and the possibility of having children is there during the current ongoing time for the next one year.
Other factors are also required to be considered for children, such as the analysis of your husband's chart, which will gives further insights.
Your children will give happiness to your family. They will be well cultured, smart, intelligent and will be quite good in their education. You need to take good care of your health. You may also may take professional advice on the diet regimen from a nutritionist, which you should be following.
Best Wishes.
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Vrishabha Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in the seventh house conjunct fifth lord Mercury and Rahu; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 36; Ketu Maha Dasha with Jupiter Antar Dasha ongoing.