You have a soft and gentle thinking style. You are quite cool to situations and generally do not panic and always take well thought out and planned and decisions.
The current period is just moderately conducive to you with respect to your professional career and things would gradually start changing over and you could get positive outcomes from the year 2023 onwards and things would settle down by mid 2024.
Thereafter you have quite a good time and you will have the satisfaction of your hard work and efforts fetching good and progressive results.
Best Wishes.
Karka lagna with the lagna lord Moon posited in the eleventh house conjunct Venus; Jupiter lord of ninth house is exalted and posited in the lagna; Sun is exalted and posited in the tenth house.
Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha till mid 2024 and Jupiter Pratyantar Dasha starts from Jan 2023.