As per your chart, a delay is not quite evident with respect to having children and chances are quite good of you becoming a father. The upcoming time starting from Aug 2022 till Nov 2023 is conducive for the same.
Further analysis can be taken up with the chart of the prospective mother to get a clear picture. You may like to go for professional medical advice as well in this case.
A proper and well advised food course for keeping the body cool of the prospective mother is important along with medical advice.
Best Wishes.
Kanya lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in the ninth house; Lord of fifth house retrograde Saturn posited in the fourth house in conjunction with Moon.
Exalted Mars posited in the fifth house of natal chart and Mars is exalted and posited in the tenth house of Saptamsha in conjunction with retrograde Saturn and Mercury. Mars Maha Dasha going on and Venus Antar Dasha starts in Aug 2022.