You spend too much time pondering and thinking over various situations, which causes stress and anxiety on your life.
You have to settle things at the personal level. You must be facing a standstill at many fronts, which could be nothing but a time of hardship to force you to change.
Try and change your habits and also attempt to have a look at what others perceive of your actions and speech. You have a favourable time ongoing which spans till 2027.
Thus things would generally be in favour and may require some adjustment on your behalf. You need to break the monotony of the thoughts, by focussing on things which make you happy and bring smile on your face.
Best Wishes
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Tula Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in the tenth house conjunct Sun and Mercury; Moon conjunct Rahu posited in the Lagna; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing spanning till 2027 with Venus Antar Dasha.