You are a fun loving individual, with a calm and composed mind and behaviour with an open mind and are always approachable by others.
Progeny matters can be analysed better with the charts of both the partners. As per your chart, you have a conducive time in the near future for conceiving your child and a good and positive time starts from Oct 2023 onwards.
You would be a proud mother in the near future and are be blessed with the happiness of children. Have proper diet and seek professional medical advice as required.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury posited in the seventh house in conjunction with fifth lord retrograde Venus, Mars and Saturn; Venus Vargottam in the Navamsha and also the fifth lord of Navamsha; Jupiter retrograde and posited in the Lagna and Jupiter transits to Mesha from April 2023 aspecting the fifth house; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing and Venus Antar Dasha starts from Oct 2023.