As per your chart, there are good chances that you could conceive and get this happy news from the current time onwards till May-June 2023.
As we can analyse from your chart that you could have some delay in having children. This could be due to health reasons such as hormonal imbalance, excessive heat in the body etc. It is advisable to consult a medical specialist in this regard.
You can practice meditation and yoga to relieve any existing stressful conditions. You also need to take medical advise on the diet regimen which you should be following. These are bound to give positive results.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna lagna with lagna lord retrograde Mercury conjunct lord of fifth house Venus and lord of third house Sun; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 20.
In the Saptamsha lord of fifth house is Venus, posited in the twelfth house; Moon Maha Dasha and Moon Antar Dasha starts in May 2022 till June 2023.