You have a charming and an attractive personality with a balanced mind. You have an independent kind of thinking and a playful mind-set externally.
The current period is the right time for you to get married as per your chart, this period is conducive and it will remain positive for the next more than a year till June 2023 and there are good chances of your marriage getting finalised during this time.
You are fortunate in terms of your life partner. You will have quite a good, comfortable and happy married life. Your future wife would be a soft, gentle and docile person.
Best Wishes.
Kanya lagna with the lagna lord Mercury in the ninth house in Vrishabha conjunct Sun and Ketu; Lord of seventh house retrograde Jupiter posited in the second house of Tula; Jupiter posited under Swati Nakshatra ruled by Rahu.
Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing and Jupiter is in current transit to its own Sign of Meena the seventh house for more than an year.