You are a very soft hearted and gentle soul with a helpful nature. You could have an attribute of analysing everyone under a lens.
You have a unique mind-set and thinking style as compared to those around you, in such cases sometime it takes a little longer to get a right life partner. The time starting from Nov 2022 is conducive to you for your marriage thereafter.
Your life partner would be a handsome man with tall figure and an athletic built. He could be an accomplished professional achiever. He would be good at maintaining relationships and would be a soft speaker.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika lagna with the lagna lord Mars posited in the second house; A debilitated Moon conjunct retrograde Saturn in the lagna; Lord of seventh house Venus posited in the eighth house; Sun conjunct mercury in the seventh house.
Jupiter transit in Meena Rashi is ongoing and seventh lord Venus would transit Meena in Nov 2022.