You are an individual with full of energy and are generally impulsive. You are resolute and honest and you show your true side to others. You always expect quick results to your actions.
The current ongoing time is not conducive and positive for love and relationships for you and a conducive time starts in March 2023 and you can expect things to be smoother thereafter.
Currently you can try by approaching him through your friends or through other means. You need to change the way you communicate, diplomatic communication and approach would take you a long way ahead in your life.
Best Wishes
Vrishabha lagna with the lagna lord Venus posited in the fourth house in conjunction with Sun and Mercury; Ketu posited in the lagna and Rahu posited in the seventh house; Seventh lord Mars posited in the third house conjunct Moon.
Moon Maha Dasha ongoing with Ketu Antar Dasha till March 2023.