You have good observation capability along with a good memory. You do not hesitate to take on any hard and laborious task. You have sincere approach towards your work and career.
As per your chart, the current time is positive and good for you and you could get some good news related to your career before the end of this year.
With respect to your query of having your own house, that is quite possible and you could achieve that from 2029 onwards. You would achieve success and prosperity gradually and you will lead a contented life.
Best Wishes.
Karka lagna with the lagna lord Moon in a Kendra in the tenth house in conjunction with lord of tenth house Mars and retrograde Mercury; Saturn posited in the tenth house of Navamsha in exaltation; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the tenth house of Dashamsha in conjunction with Venus.
Rahu Maha Dasha running with Jupiter Antar Dasha till Dec 2022; Fourth lord Venus Antar Dasha starts in 2029.