Astrology can analyse and find the compatibility with your partner and find the level of matching between both of you by analysing both the charts, however it cannot analyse and find whether you will get in to relationship with a particular person.
Notwithstanding this, as per your chart, you could have the good fortune of spending your time with the person of your liking and your choice.
The current time may not be quite helpful but from later half of Nov 2022 onwards you can expect positive developments in this matter with some efforts on your part. You have a good and happy life ahead.
Best Wishes.
Scorpio ascendant with the ascendant lord Mars posited in the eleventh house conjunct a retrograde Saturn; Seventh lord Venus exalted and posited in the fifth house conjunct Moon; Sun conjunct Mercury posited in the seventh house; Sun major period ongoing and Mercury sub period starts from mid Nov 2022 onwards.