You have the capability to get in to minute details, which sometimes disables or delays you to take right decisions at the right times.
The current time is moderately conducive to you and you have a positive and favourable as per your chart from second half of 2024 and during this period you could be successful in your ventures depending on the extent of your efforts thereafter till 2038.
Astrology is meant only for getting a general direction, what you achieve would depend on the extent and intensity of your efforts. Overall you would have a satisfactory and prosperous life.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the eighth house; Venus conjunct Mercury posited in the fourth house; Sun posited in the fifth house; Retrograde Saturn posited in the ninth house; Mercury Maha Dasha ongoing with Mercury Antar Dasha till July 2023; Ketu Antar Dasha till July 2024; Venus Antar Dasha starts thereafter, followed by Antar Dashas of Sun, Moon and Mars.