You have quite a dynamic and active mind with good communicating skills. You also have the ability to focus on minute details which generally get missed out by others.
As per your chart, the fields of work which are best suited to you are the sectors of Power, Electricity, Solar and Wind Energy, industry segments of Metals and Metallurgy, Trading and Logistics, Electronic Hardware, would be beneficial to you as a field of your profession.
You will have an excellent professional career and life ahead. You will succeed and make a good life.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the fourth house; Tenth lord Sun posited in the seventh house in conjunction with Venus; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the eleventh house conjunct Ketu; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 37; Retrograde Jupiter posited in the tenth house of Dashamsha.