You have a bright and energetic personality with a sharp intelligence and good memory. You could have mood swings which would be totally unpredictable and also without any reason.
The current ongoing time is good for you mainly from health perspective as you would remain healthier except some nerves related issues. Relationships could be a cause of concern but only to some extent.
You may have to control your emotions as they may drive your actions and life in general. You have a fairly good and comfortable life ahead and you would lead a happy and peaceful life.
Best Wishes.
Virgo ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the ascendant in conjunction with Jupiter; Sixth lord Saturn retrograde and posited in the eighth house in debilitation; North Node (Rahu) posited in the sixth house; Ashtakavarga score of sixth house is 34; North Node major period and Mercury sub period ongoing till Nov 2024.