You have strong determination to achieve things you decide and you need to develop persistence in your efforts, as you could leave opportunities just as they would be close to you.
The fields of profession which are suitable to you as per your chart are, technical roles in which high level of skill and expertise are required such as programming, designing etc. You will also excel in roles in which you would have much public exposure such as marketing, administration, logistics, supply-chain services etc.
You will have a good professional career and life ahead. You will succeed and make a good life for yourself and your family. You will be comfortable and settled in your life by 38 Years of age.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with Lagna lord Sun in the fourth house conjunct Mercury, both giving full aspect to tenth house; Tenth lord Venus in a trine in fifth house conjunct Mars also tenth lord is exalted in the Navamsha.
Venus is tenth lord in Dashamsha also and posited in the eleventh house. Ashtakavarga score of eleventh house is 30 in both Rashi chart and Navamsha.