You are an avid analyser of everything around you. You are deeply fond of beauty, good food and subtle art. You like to live life to the full extent in all its hues.
As per your chart, there are multiple domains in which you could succeed and do pretty well. Some of them are those related to food and fashion industry, marketing sector, infrastructure, property and realty sector, garments, textiles and yarn sector, telecommunications sector etc. You would do well in fields where you need to interact with many people.
These are some of the sectors suitable, however you can think of other related sectors as per your qualifications and skills. You will do quite well in life and would prosper nicely and become affluent.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna lagna with the lagna lord and the lord of fourth house retrograde Mercury posited in the lagna in conjunction with Sun; Venus posited in the second house; Moon posited in the twelfth house in conjunction with Mars.
Lord of tenth house Jupiter posited in the fifth house in conjunction with Rahu; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 40.