As per your chart, you are a hard working person and there could be instances when you may lack the required quality at times, which you need to develop to deliver the best quality at all times and always.
The fields of job suitable to you would be those related to finance, audit, account, banking, insurance, education, research and development in any field, healthcare industry, medical field etc.
These are some fields which are suitable to you as per your chart and you may think of other related fields as well depending on your skillsets and experience.
Best Wishes.
Sagittarius ascendant with the ascendant lord Jupiter in the tenth house in Virgo; Tenth lord Mercury in the eighth house in Cancer; Tenth lord Mercury in the ascendant in the Dashamsha(D10) conjunct Saturn.
Jupiter posited in the tenth house of Navamsha(D9) also; Tenth lord Mercury is under Pushya Nakshatra.