You have playful mindset and thinking and you like to keep everyone happy and at the same time you would be an attention seeker.
You would excel in fields of profession where you just have to interact with a few people and not many. You would do good in farm and agricultural products and related industry, dairy and food Processing and related industry, non-technical roles in any sector or industry such as administrative, human Resources, social services etc. You may think of other roles on similar lines based on your skills and expertise.
You have a good professional career with good earning capacity. As per your chart, you have a progressive career and the prosperity would be good.
Best Wishes.
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Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the seventh house conjunct Mercury; Tenth lord Venus posited in the sixth house; Saturn conjunct Rahu posited in the tenth house; Tenth lord of navamsa is also Venus posited in the eighth house therein exaltation conjunct Rahu.