After going through your chart we can say that you would handle difficult situations in a very systematic way. You will have a good and satisfying career.
The fields which suit you would be related to Public Administration, Cosmetics & Beauty related, Feminine products sector, Accounts and Finance, Fashion Industry, Telecommunication Sector, High End Technology segments. You will succeed if you are connected to these sectors either directly or even indirectly.
You have a good earning potential and you would be able to make a good name for yourself in your profession and society. You have quite a good professional career and you will do good in life. You will have considerable earnings by around 48 years age.
Mars is in the 10th house being the lord of 5th house and 12th house. 10th lord Mercury is conjunct Jupiter and Sun in the Rashi chart.
10th lord of Dashamsha Venus is in 11th house of Dashamsha with an exalted Mars in the 6th house of Dashamsha indicating strong service sector and success.