You are a determined person with lot of energy, enthusiasm and zeal to take on any task. You take pride in maintaining your high standards diligently. You have a sharp intellect.
The field of study which is suitable to you as per your chart is that of analytics in your basic qualification. You have quite good reasoning and analytical ability as per your chart, thus studies of Data Analytics, Scientific Analysis, Financial Analytics would suit you best and you would excel and do well in life in this field.
As per your chart, you have a good promise for your progress in your chosen field. Be confident of this and work towards achieving the same.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika lagna with the lagna lord Mars posited in the eighth house conjunct Sun, retrograde Mercury and Venus; Fourth lord Saturn posited in the seventh house conjunct Jupiter; Moon posited in the fifth house of Meena.
Ashtakavarga score of fourth house is 30 and Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 36.