As per your chart with respect to your query regarding your business venture. You could excel in business in many sectors some of them being, in the field of Food, Cosmetics, Technical and Engineering goods and products, Education and Training, Beauty Products, Fashion Boutiques, Fine Arts and in many other sectors as well which you can decide based on your exposure and expertise.
The current period is moderately conducive and it would remain more neutral from May 2023 till around Feb 2026 and thereafter the time is again favourable to you for your success.
You are hard-working and also have quite a calculative and analytical mind, this quality will support you in the long run.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord and tenth lord Mercury exalted and posited in the Lagna conjunct Sun; Seventh lord Jupiter posited in the second house conjunct Venus; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Jupiter Antar Dasha till May 2023; Saturn Antar Dasha up to Feb 2026 and Mercury Antar Dasha starts from March 2026.