You are an attractive, soft and gentle individual. You look for beauty in everything you are a lively person whose company would be liked by all.
Your better-half or soulmate would be an energetic person with good height, intelligent and could have an athletic built. He could be a high achieving sports person. He would be a soft and sober person with mild and impressive speech. His sheer presence would keep you cheerful and in good mood.
You have a happy and prosperous future and generally things would be quite smooth in your life. You have a good, stable and happy married life with conjugal happiness.
Best Wishes.
Taurus ascendant with the ascendant lord Venus posited in the ninth house; Seventh lord Mars is retrograde and posited in the twelfth house; Sun conjunct Mercury posited in the seventh house; Moon posited in the tenth house and Retrograde Mars posited in the seventh house of divisional chart 9 (Navamsha)