You are a sincere, disciplined and hard working individual, who takes life on a daily basis with a straight forward approach. You generally do not like to sit idle and are always engaged in your work.
The current volatile period as per your chart spans up to the end of 2023 of course with some breaks in between and thereafter things would settle down in a better way and you could be comfortable.
Meanwhile you need to maintain diplomatic communications with everyone of your colleagues, keep away from gossip and be objective with just your job. These aspects would support you in a good way.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with the Lagna lord Mercury debilitated and posited in the seventh house in conjunction with Venus; Mars posited in the ninth house; retrograde Jupiter exalted and posited in the eleventh house conjunct Ketu; Mars Maha Dasha ongoing with Mercury Antar Dasha followed by Ketu Antar Dasha and Venus Antar Dasha starts from Oct 2023.