You have a mature and docile mind and you think from all perspectives. You tend to speak in a straight forward manner and you keep your emotions to yourself.
As per your chart, you would have a consistently good professional life with good earnings throughout your life. However you need to be careful against any possibility of losing interest in professional life.
You would have a loving family and would have a spouse who would be calm, quite intelligent and yet down to earth person. From family perspective the current time is quite positive for you and the next few years are favourable.
Best Wishes.
Makar lagna with lagna lord retrograde Saturn in the eleventh house; Seventh lord Moon in the lagna; Ketu in the tenth house; Seventh lord Moon in the Karka Navamsha conjunct Mercury.
Tenth lord Venus in the sixth house; Ashtakavarga scores of ninth, tenth and eleventh houses are 31, 32 and 32 respectively; Jupiter Maha Dasha running with Venus Antar Dasha.