After analysing your child's chart, we can say that your child would have a cool demeanour externally and at the same time his mind would always be on a marathon.
The careers which would be suitable to him are those in large organisations with multi-cultural and diverse manpower, such as in Government sector, large Multi-National Corporations etc. The technical and scientific fields would be more suitable along with R & D. Your child will have high skill levels in the chosen domain and would be a well known person.
One area where your child can improve is the ability to focus and concentrate, with this ability successful career is assured.
Best Wishes.
Vrischik Lagna with Lagna lord Mars in the eleventh house of Kanya whose dispositor is Mercury, conjunct Sun, debilitated Venus and Ketu; Fourth lord Saturn in the ninth house;
Mercury is under Chitra Nakshatra ruled by Mars; Fourth lord Saturn is under Aslesha Nakshatra also ruled by Mercury. Moon is under the Anuradha Nakshatra ruled by Saturn; Tenth lord Sun is under Hasta Nakshatra ruled by Moon.