You are a person with an independent thinking style and although you listen to those around, you take decisions based on your own analysis.
The current time is volatile for you till around Nov 2023 with respect to relationships, and thereafter the arguments and friction could reduce and also, the occasional frictions from everyone concerned may start reducing thereafter.
You can recite the below mantra everyday for a peaceful life:-
रक्ष रक्ष जगन्मातर्देवि मंगलचंडिके । हारिके विपदां राशे हर्षमंगलकारिके ।।
हर्षमंगलदक्षे च हर्षमंगलदायिके । शुभे मंगलदक्षे च शुभे मंगलचंडिके ।।
मंगले मंगलार्हे च सर्वमंगलमंगले । सदा मंगलदे देवि सर्वेषां मंगलालये ।।
Best Wishes.
Tula Lagna with the Lagna lord Venus posited in the ninth house; Seventh lord Mars posited in the twelfth house conjunct Jupiter; Moon posited in the seventh house; Mars Maha Dasha with Ketu Antar Dasha ongoing till Nov 2023 and Venus Antar Dasha starts thereafter.