As per your birth details provided, the North Node (Rahu) is posited in fifth house at 8 deg 51 Min and 48 sec as per Vedic Astrology.
There are many basic differences between Western and Vedic Astrology and the one major factor which creates the differences is the Ayanamsa (in Vedic Astrology) which means the "Reference" or "Datum"(In Western Astrology) for the Calendar used by the system to perform all the calculations.
The Ayanamsas of Vedic Astrology are multiple and it is up to the astrologer as to which reference he/she selects whereas the "References" for Western Astrology are limited.
Based on the life patterns which you would have observed, for yourself or for the chart under discussion, whichever system suits better as per the guidance and predictions, can be followed.
Best Wishes.
As provided above