You are an individual with abilities and a great life experience, you see through things and have a sound judgement of situations and persons. You are blessed to have a very good friends circle.
As per your chart, the current time is moderately positive for you and you would progress quite satisafcatorily till the end of 2023. thereafter again you would have good progress from 2025 onwards.
Just keep up your sincere afforts and hard work and you would have a satisfactory professional life, as currently you are in the right timeline.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the lagna lord Sun posited in the fifth house conjunct Saturn and retrograde Mercury; tenth lord Venus retrograde and posited in the sixth house conjunct Rahu; Ashtakavarga of tenth house is 33; Moon Maha Dasha with Jupiter Antar Dasha ongoing up to Oct 2023 and Mercury Antar Dasha starts from Feb 2025.