You have good level of determination. Your mind could get fogged with emotions spontaneously which you need to take care at times, as they could blur your pragmatic decision making.
We considered the birth time of the second match as 07:15 AM, as AM/PM was not mentioned. On thorough analysis of compatibility of your chart with both the charts, we find that your chart has pretty good compatibility with the chart of the person born on 17 Sep 1992 at 07:15AM in Sagar, M.P as compared to other chart. The comfort level in the relationship would be much better as compared to the other match.
This person(17 Sep 1992) has a pretty good professional career and would not be as cool minded as the other match in temperament. It is advisable to spend some time in courtship to understand the personality better.
Best Wishes.
Saloni: Mithuna lagna with the lagna lord Mercury posited in exaltation in the fourth house conjunct Sun and Venus; Seventh lord Jupiter posited in the sixth house; Moon in lagna under Punarvasu Nakshatra.
17 Sep 1992 person: Kanya lagna with the lagna lord Mercury exalted in the lagna and conjunct Sun, Jupiter and Venus; Moon posited in Mesha in the eighth house under Krittika Nakshatra.
Ashtakoota and Dashakoota matching compatibility considered; No Mangal Dosha in all three persons.