Dear Deepu,
The person that you have been in love and whether she has feelings for you is a difficult one to answer based on your charts.
You have a love or romantic nature and your partner could be obtained through a love affair for marriage.
Your time between June 2022 and untill next May 2023 is tricky for matters related to heart being fructified and you will have some deep challenges emotionally or spiritually in such matters.
Wait for a year and try to talk to your partner after May 2023. If she has feelings, she would reciprocate by next year.
Hope this helps your confusion.
5th lord in 7th with venus brings romantic affairs in a persons life. Lagna lord in 11th but debilitated can bring confusion when native approaches such matters.
Jup-Ketu dasha is tricky for matters of 7th house to fructify as Ketu in 8th which is outcome for 7th house.
Relationships can come back in Jup-Ven dasha and transit of Jupiter in 2nd house aspecting 8th house.